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Our Blog July 27, 2023

Building a Personal Connection With Customers

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If you own a business it is important that you realize the importance of being able to connect with your customers on a personal level. This way you will be able to tell your customers that you care about them including what opinion they hold or whether they think you are authentic.

Developing a personal connection with customers is vital as it allows you to gain customer trust and increase the customer retention rate as well. Do you want to learn more about different ways through which you can build a personal connection with customers? Here are a few tips that you can make use of with ease for customer service in Pakistan.

     1. Respond To Feedback

As a business, it is important for you to provide proper after-sales services which includes responding to feedback and reviews on time. As most potential customers first go through the reviews you should be actively responding to all of them and make sure that negative reviews are also responded to in a positive manner. It is not considered to be a good act for business owners to not respond to negative reviews as customers might feel that you are serious about the brand. If you don’t have enough time to respond to each individual separately you can always hire someone else to help you out.

     2. Be Conversational

Being conversational means that you will have to interact with your customers through calls or messages. When you are conversational with them it adds an element of human and personalized service which each customer likes. You can also ask them about how they are and what kind of services they are looking for. Make sure you never come across as rude when you are communicating with existing or potential customers.

     3. Work on Follow Up’s

As each business survives on sales and conversions, it is important for you to come up with the perfect strategy to improve your sales and conversion rates. Were you aware that adding a video to your webpage increases the chances of converting all the traffic on the website to customers? Not only that, but boosting sales and conversions can make customers feel comfortable as they are buying what they are seeing in the video. If you want an impressive ROI, from video marketing in Pakistan, then that can be easily done by adding multiple informational videos on your website landing pages.

    4. Reward Customers

Did you know that 80% customers come from your 20% customers which emphasizes on the importance of paying close attention to your customers? If you want to make your customers feel valued and a part of the community there are different ways through which you can reward them. The methods to reward them include starting a reward or a loyalty program, send regular people discount codes and offerings, encourage referals, and send open-ended surveys. Moreover, you can also ask your participants to fill out a form and in-return provide them with a small thankyou gift.

Connect With Our Team

Do you want to opt for someone who provides exceptional customer service in Pakistan? If you are too occupied to handle customer service on your own our expert team can easily do that for you. Connect with our team at Kreative Sparks today, for customer service in Pakistan, to enhance the satisfaction of your customers.